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(To be removed) Event information when event occurs

This serial object function will be removed in a future release. Use serialport object functions instead. For more information on updating your code, see Compatibility Considerations.




instrcallback(obj,event) displays a message that contains the event type, event, the time the event occurred, and the name of the serial port object, obj, that caused the event to occur.

For error events, the error message is also displayed. For pin status events, the pin that changed value and its value are also displayed.


The following example creates the serial port object, s, on a Windows® platform. It configures s to execute instrcallback when an output-empty event occurs. The event occurs after the *IDN? command is written to the instrument.

s = serial('COM1');
OutputEmpty event occurred at 08:37:49 for the object: 

Read the identification information from the input buffer and end the serial port session.

idn = fscanf(s);
clear s


Use instrcallback as a template to create callback functions that suit your specific application needs.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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R2021a: serial object interface will be removed

Use of this function with a serial object will be removed. To access a serial port device, use a serialport object with its functions and properties instead.

The recommended functionality has additional capabilities and improved performance. See Transition Your Code to serialport Interface for more information about using the recommended functionality.