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Fixed-Point Matrix Operations in MATLAB

Optimized fixed-point math operations, matrix solvers, and matrix decomposition functions for efficient code

Use these functions to perform fixed-point math and matrix operations and generate efficient code. These functions solve systems of linear equations and perform matrix decompositions in a way that is efficient for embedded devices.


espandi tutto

ceilDivRound the result of division toward positive infinity (Da R2021a)
fixed.cordicDivideFixed-point divide using CORDIC (Da R2020b)
fixed.cordicReciprocalFixed-point reciprocal using CORDIC (Da R2021b)
fixDivRound the result of division toward zero (Da R2021a)
floorDivRound the result of division toward negative infinity (Da R2021a)
nearestDivRound the result of division toward the nearest integer (Da R2021a)
modByConstantModulus after division by a constant denominator (Da R2021a)
fixed.backwardSubstituteSolve upper-triangular system of equations through backward substitution (Da R2020b)
fixed.forwardSubstituteSolve lower-triangular system of equations through forward substitution (Da R2020b)
fixed.jacobiSVDFixed-point Jacobi singular value decomposition (Da R2023a)
fixed.qlessQRQ-less QR decomposition (Da R2020b)
fixed.qlessQRUpdateUpdate QR factorization (Da R2020b)
fixed.qrABCompute C = Q'B and upper-triangular factor R (Da R2020b)
fixed.qrMatrixSolveSolve system of linear equations Ax = B for x using QR decomposition (Da R2020b)
fixed.qlessQRMatrixSolveSolve system of linear equations (A'A)X = B for X using Q-less QR decomposition (Da R2020b)
fixed.svdFixed-point Golub-Kahan-Reinsch singular value decomposition (Da R2022b)
svdFixed-point Golub-Kahan-Reinsch singular value decomposition (Da R2022b)
fixed.qrFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for transforming A and R and B to C=Q'B in-place, where QR=A is QR decomposition of A (Da R2021b)
fixed.qlessqrFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for transforming A to R in-place, where R is upper-triangular factor of QR decomposition of A, without computing Q (Da R2021b)
fixed.realQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of real-valued AX=B using QR decomposition (Da R2021b)
fixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of complex-valued AX=B using QR decomposition (Da R2021b)
fixed.realQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of real-valued A'AX=B using QR decomposition (Da R2021b)
fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of complex-valued A'AX=B using QR decomposition (Da R2021b)
fixed.realSingularValueLowerBoundEstimate lower bound for smallest singular value of real-valued matrix (Da R2021b)
fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBoundEstimate lower bound for smallest singular value of complex-valued matrix (Da R2021b)
fixed.singularValueUpperBoundUpper bound of largest singular value of matrix (Da R2022b)
fixed.realConditionNumberUpperBoundEstimate of upper bound for 2-norm condition number of real-valued matrix (Da R2022b)
fixed.complexConditionNumberUpperBoundEstimate of upper bound for 2-norm condition number of complex-valued matrix (Da R2022b)
fixed.forgettingFactorCompute forgetting factor required for streaming input data (Da R2021b)
fixed.forgettingFactorInverseCompute the inverse of the forgetting factor required for streaming input data (Da R2021b)
fixed.realQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviationEstimate standard deviation of quantization noise of real-valued signal (Da R2021b)
fixed.complexQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviationEstimate standard deviation of quantization noise of complex-valued signal (Da R2021b)
